Whether or not you are into the MMORPG game, there is a good chance you have seen or read about this show. It is a 3D donghua production produced by one of China’s most reputable studios. There are several versions of Make Money to be King but one in particular has garnered the most attention. The main character is not your average high class ninja but a young kid from a slum named Wu Tian. His mission is simple enough, explore the vast underground tomb of the deceased.
The show is set to run for 60 episodes. The series is produced by China’s biggest video game console maker, Tencent. Although the show is based in the country’s capital city, it’s also set to appeal to fans of the MMORPG genre in other parts of the world. As such, it’s been a popular choice with Chinese fans. The series is slated to be available on Tencent’s video Wo Kao Chong Zhi Dang Wu Di. Its popularity is due to its use of a number of MMORPG games as source material. The series also has a good amount of rewatchability as players can use the games as a means of socializing.
Make Money to be King is not just a show about video games though, it’s also a satire on the state of China’s economy. There is a good chance that most of the series’ mercenaries will be soldiers for the country’s major kingdoms. As such, it’s a good idea to get to know the ins and outs of the show before you jump in.
It’s not a show to be missed, particularly if you are a fan of the genre. There are several versions of Make Money to Be King and the show has gained a loyal fan base in the process. You can get your fix by logging onto the game’s official website or catching the show on television. The show is a worthy successor to Sword Art Online. The show may not have the same sexy appeal but it does have a fair amount of escapist jadedness. It’s a wonder that a show like this could garner such a devoted following.